What I found out today. o1o
Its Thanksgiving. I am really liking it. Nevermind the fact that I have never in my life, even once, tried the turkey dish nor pumpkin pie. I only really like the idea that people can thank with no bad feeling within. I think its cool because how often do we actually say, "hi, thanks for being here! that makes me happy!" And how ofter we forget to thank mom, neighbor, God, primary school teacher, etc... And its a bit of a nostalgic mood around it since I am thinking who would I thank and what would I say. Not neccessarily as dramatic as during the Oscars while waving with the golden statue but still.... I think I would thank to (and sorry, for its in Lithuanian!): Mamai už tai, kad yra, buvo ir kad žinau,kad bus Tetei už tai, kad niekada nenuteisė ir nevisada būdamas ten, buvo Močiutei už pamokas ir pasakas vakarais ir kūčiukus Romukui už Europos Radiją ir nenuilstačią korespondento dūšią Emilijai už sugrįžimą Andriui už buvimą tuo, ką tiksliausiai galėčiau pavadinti broliu M...