What I found out today. o44
Perhaps because its fool's day today or perhaps just because, I kept thinking of the 22nd or the 0 card in Tarot deck - Fool's Journey.
It's amazing how much a card can hold within. Isn't it?!
Not sounding stagnant, I prefer to think of Fools card as the card 0 since its the end and the begining of the journy in terms of the tarot journey. The Fool is located at the beginning of a trip into self-knowledge. The Fool at this stage is omnipotent, newly born, or as Ovid (1986) put it, "adorable". Indeed, the flower of Ovid's Narcissus narrative, the "White petals clustered round a cup of gold", is being carried in the palm of the Fool's hand, the sign of a yet to be realised narcissistic wound. I say not yet realised for, as we can see, at this stage, the Fool has not yet even heard Echo's reply. As Peirce put it, "That of first is so tender that you cannot touch it...in youth, the world is fresh and we seem free".
The Fool is always journeying, both in and out , simultaneously. Indeed, this is the paradox that the Fool will progressively learn to transcend during the journey. At this stage, however, the Fool is both subject and object, both inner and outer, both yes and no. Indeed, at this stage, the Fool has no unity, for there are as yet no parts. The Fool is what Peirce called pure Firstness. In his words, firstness is all that is "present, immediate, fresh, new, initiative, original, spontaneous, free, vivid, conscious and evanescent". The Fool is all of these, and more. The Fool is pure possibility. As a possibility, the Fool is setting out into the world without an identity, hence the Fool's youthful appearance. In this sense, the Fool is the carrier of a soon to be realised identity.
Let's explore!