What I found out today. o33

How often and how much do we judge?! How much and how often do we judge the judgement?!..... How often do we have our expectations way up high and end up dissapointed and lacking the motivation in the end...!? It makes me wonder. It makes me want to understand if our reaction to the reality only depends on ourselves and / or does reality have something to do with it?!........ Does our expectation reflect and mirror how we see the reality? Can you have a double mirror!?.........Mirrors used to make me a bit scared. The meaning of the mirror goes beyond its practical function and is supposed to reveal, according to ancient beliefs, the magical link between the model and its image. That’s why mirrors were believed to capture the soul of a man that would look into them and - from this belief - people would cover mirrors when someone would die, so that the soul would not become a prisoner of its image. That’s also the reason why demons and supernatural beings don’t have a reflection.