Love is like a good weather. And rain, and wind is also some kind of good weather. *** Travel a thousand miles to save someone, to save a life, to save a day. Or night. Illusions (re)main. " - Who are you? - Not half and not whole. At some piece of ... - It's the bes - I said. - That excites the imagination. Such women are forever loved. Completed women are dull. So are monumental women. Snippets - never. " e.m.r. - Kas gi tu esi? - Ne pusė ir ne visuma. Kažkoks fragmentas... - Tai geriausia, - tariau aš. - Tai jaudina fantaziją. Tokios moterys amžinai mylimos. Užbaigtos moterys greit atsipyksta. Vertingosios irgi. Fragmentai - niekad. There's no such thing as destiny . There are only different choices . Some choices are easy , some aren't . Those are the really important ones , the ones that define us as people . ~ Number 23