
Showing posts from September, 2009

What I found out today. o89

Do you ever sit down to wonder and to reflect how this life is moving forward. How much you grow. How little!? I do. And the more I think and the more I try to learn to breath, the more tea I drink and the more words I put down on paper, the more exciting it seems to become! So todays quick list of things: 1. life and people are impermanent. 2. slow down. 3. look people in the eye. 4. drink tea. 5. be kind. 6. simple things hold the secret.

What I found out today. o88

It's been days and nights of changes, contemplations and (re)discoveries. It's exciting. We reap what we sow and then we sow again. Sow love, hopefully. I found out once again a very well known truth -- the more you dream, the less you die!... Cheers for that!

What I found out today. o87

To be honest it's more about the learning process. It's not so much of actually learning one thing, it's about taking the process as a reward. It's about daily magic. About juggling things, words, cups, books, fragrances or post stamps. All those things that mean something to you -- parks, films, lakes, hugs, coffee cups and books on life; ideas, dreams, phone calls, flowers; memories, planets, stars, drawings, clumsy cats, candles, chewing gum.... It's all about the ability to put all the things into days and into hours of those days. It's about balancing, about how you connect smell to a memory and water to hand; connect dream and sleep, tea and sugar, night and fear, evening and longing; it's about seeing the shadows behind the things and to see all that empt y space where you can scream but would never hear the echo. Sometimes I am trying to learn to bring things into the surface and to measure time in smoke, coffee cups and people in the queue's;...